Electrification, green energy, sustainable sources of energy, … are some of the trends that influence on spreading of existing transmission and distribution networks in the world.
Usually, each market and infrastructure owner has long-term plans for spreading existing or building a new network. For example, some countries define plans on network growth (Brazil’s plan for the period 2015-2024 is to spread the transmission network by 201.560km), some countries define plans based on investment (Canada planned to invest 14.000m $/y in transmission network), some countries have a defined budget and based on that define the priority of investing in distribution and transmission network.
If we take a look at statistical data for the length of transmission and distribution network in the world:

we can see that each country has already built a network of power lines and there are a lot of current projects for redesign and network modernization. Reasons for redesigning are different but usually redesign is needed for changing line equipment or for displacement caused by building of new infrastructure (buildings, roads, pipe networks, etc.).
That is a reason why we created commands in the Power Path for redesigning any voltage type of the power lines. Power line engineers need to have just survey data (X,Y,Z coordinate) of existing poles. It means it is enough just to have coordinates of the places where are poles.

Inserting data into a solution is just one click with the command Import Power Line. This is how looks imported power line based on survey data of existing line:

The next steps in editing power line elements are the same as in the workflow for creating a new line (each pole is editable; user can remove, add or change pole, insulator, wires).

If you want to see how it works, watch this short video tutorial.