How to create pictures in high resolution of your power line project?

    Power Path supports the rendering of 3D models and the creation of pictures with high resolutions.
    Creating a picture of your project is possible with the command RENDER.

    Through these examples, we want to show you how you can create a picture without using any additional application for screen-shots (usually screen-shot applications can create just the screen’s resolution and you can’t create a big resolution).

    Type command RENDER in the command line and then press Enter. You will get the dialog box Render:

    Where you can define: Render destination (Viewport – if you want to create render in your viewport; Window – if you want to create render in your in a new window or File – if you want to save render as an external .png file) and Output size where you define width and height of the rendering in pixels.

    After a few seconds, Power Path will generate a picture of your 3D power line modes.

    If you use the option „same as viewport size“ a solution will always create your current view of the project, for example, if you zoom just one pole.

    Rendering is possible also if you have a more complex project with more different models.

    *If you use a Render command and you can’t see your catenaries, just set in the Settings dialog box to Show conductor in 3D view as Solid.

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