Power Path V23 version, new release! Added new commands 2/3

We have released a new version of the Power Path solution for power line design. In this blog post we describe what is new in version V23

Added new commands 

GIS data

You can add and edit GIS files recorded in shape (.shp) file formats. Available commands: 

– SHP Import 

Description: Imports SHP data. Geospatial vector data .shp, which is a format developed by Esri ©, can be imported with all associated GIS data. 

– SHP Export 

Description: Exports SHP data. If you want to export .shp files it is possible with this command. The already imported .shp entities in the drawing will be exported with original or modified (if you modify) GIS data, CAD entities like polylines, lines, etc. will be exported without associated GIS data into a .shp file.  

Raster Images

You can add and edit raster image files from different file formats. Available commands: 

– Attach Raster Image 

Description: Attaches a raster image to the drawing. Supported file formats for attaching: .bmp, .jpg, .jpeg, .pcx, .png, .gif, .tga, .tif, .tiff, .jp2, .j2k, .ecw, .sid, .mti. 

– Clip Image 

Description: Clips raster images. If you want to crop some part of the image, you can do that with this command.

– Set Image Quality 

Description: Toggles image quality high/draft. This command allows you to set: the high or draft quality of the image.

– Turn Off Image Frame 

Description: Turns off the image frame. When you attach an image, the image’s frame will be by default settings visible, but with this command, you can turn off visibility. 

– Turn On Image Frame 

Description: Turns on the image frame. If you want to have a visible frame of the image, use this command to turn on visibility. 

– Export Image 

Description: Exports a raster image to a file. Raster images from a drawing can be exported to an external image file.  

Civil points

You can add point data from different file formats. Available command: 

– Civil Points Import 

Description: Creates civil points. If you want to import survey points, you can define file formats for importing. It means the user can use native (predefined) file formats of the point or define your own format.  

Try Power Path V23 

If you want to immediately start creating your own OHL project using the BIM approach, import your data, and use the solution for any 2D drafting and 3D modeling in technical projects, try a 30-day free trial of Power Path. 

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