Power Path video instructions for beginners

    If you just installed the Power Path software solution and have not used it before, the easiest way to get to know It is through our free online course or payable education.

    Before we start with video instructions, we want to let you know that Power Path is an easy-to-adopt software solution, so if you at any time used AutoCAD, BricsCAD, ZWCAD, or some other similar solution, it will be smooth for you to start using Power Path. Also, the solution is very user-friendly and each command and dialog boxes are understandable.

    Free video instructions for beginners – Power Path online course

    We have created a free online training for beginners – A quick Power Path tour.

    In this online course, there are seven lessons, in which users get familiar with:

    • Power Path workspace
    • Designing a new power line
    • Redesigning an existing power line
    • Creating a profile view
    • Calculations and reporting
    • IFC record of power line
    • Adding data models

    You can learn through 7 short lessons how you can customize Power Path interface, where to find all the main commands and panels, how to create a surface, how to design or redesign a power line, how to add/edit/remove poles, insulators and catenaries, how to create profile view, how to generate different reports (such as SAG-tension, Support report, Quantity report…), how to export your power line in IFC format, etc.

    For more information about free online course visit page Learn.

    Payable video instructions for beginners – Power Path basic training

    If you prefer to meet online with our technical staff so that they can show you the Power Path software solution, POWER PATH company offers clients payable education, basic and advanced. For beginners, we recommend basic training.

    You will learn how to use the main Power Path functionalities. This course will help you to speed up your work process in the first steps of using the solution.

    For more information about the duration and price of the basic training visit the page Buy.

    You can test Power Path with your own example or input data, or you can use our example on our knowledge base. More about knowledge base read in our blog post ’’Knowledge base and how to start with using a solution for power line design’’

    If you want immediately to start creating your own OHL project with the BIM approach, import your data, and use the solution for any 2D drafting and 3D modeling in technical projects, try a 30 days trial of Power Path.

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